Health News » In dermatology, health disparities can be skin deep

July 19, 2017
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<strong>Health News »</strong> In dermatology, health disparities can be skin deep-banner-image
About half of patients will have skin of color by 2050, the U.S. Census Bureau projects. Of the many ways this demographic change will affect American society, there is one medical implication that is not widely appreciated. Dermatologists and the primary care physicians who refer to them will be faced with cutaneous diseases that happen…

Dr. Seemal Desai named to US FDA

July 6, 2017
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Dr. Seemal Desai named to US FDA-banner-image
Seemal R. Desai, MD, has been appointed to the US Food & Drug Administration by the United States Department of Health & Human Services. He will be a new member of the FDA Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC). Nominated by ASDSA/AADA, he will provide advice concerning compounding, medications and federal policy to the FDA. Dr. Desai has…