Soaring Interest in the Work of the Skin of Color Society amid Historic Year

December 21, 2020
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Soaring Interest in the Work of the Skin of Color Society amid Historic Year-banner-image
This has been a historic year on many fronts. The oft-repeated phrase, “In these unprecedented and challenging times” prefaces myriad if not most of the communications we take in on a daily basis. It has been a remarkable year for SOCS in many respects in terms of soaring awareness and interest in the longtime work…

Meet the Skin of Color Society’s New Associate Executive Director, Veronica T. Holmes Purvis, MSM, CAE

December 11, 2020
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Meet the Skin of Color Society’s New Associate Executive Director, Veronica T. Holmes Purvis, MSM, CAE-banner-image
We are thrilled to announce that the Skin of Color Society has brought on Veronica T. Holmes Purvis to serve as Associate Executive Director, beginning January 4, 2021. Veronica is a dynamic, experienced professional who has had a substantial career in non-profit STEM associations for the past twenty years, with a special emphasis on strategic…