We’re excited to have a comprehensive new educational video series covering a wide range of topics of special interest to patients of color. Visit the SOCS website to access fascinating expert discussions among SOCS leaders and members, covering key issues impacting patients of color, including: Psoriasis; Hair and Scalp Disorders; Skin Cancer & Sun Safety, and External Signs of Internal Disease, along with our first SOCS organizational identity video.
The educational videos can be viewed here:
https://socs.umbrellahost.net/dermatology-resources/education-videos/ and the identity video is viewable on the home page of www.skinofcolorsociety.org
We encourage members to share links to these videos to your patients and through your social media platforms to help raise awareness and understanding about important skin of color dermatology issues. They’re also perfect for looping in your waiting room for patients to watch! Special thanks to Drs. Crystal Aguh; Andrew Alexis; Valerie Callender; Dhaval Bhanusali; Cheryl Burgess; Seemal Desai; Lynn McKinley-Grant, Amy McMichael and Maritza Perez for their outstanding participation in this important project. We gratefully recognize Leo Pharma for their support of this educational video series. #SOCS #skinofcolor #dermatology