
Become A Partner

The Skin of Color Society partners with professional medical organizations, community, corporate and industry groups to ensure the success of the organization. We hope that you will consider joining us in fulfilling our mission and achieving our goals outlined below. Through your generosity, the Skin of Color Society is able to service to our members, their patients and the public.

To support an unrestricted grant, please contact the SOCS headquarters at (630)-578-3991 or via email at info@skinofcolorsociety.org.

Sponsorship by corporate underwriting of select projects of the Skin of Color Society provides the dedicated funds required to achieve specific goals related to the advancement of related educational programs.

In helping to achieve targeted goals of the SOCS, corporate leaders serve a vital role in enhancing the level of knowledge in the special interest area of dermatology, skin of color, as well as assisting in the creation of new and needed resources for research.

Specific sponsorship opportunities include support for:

  1. Mentorship program
  2. Research awards
  3. Website maintenance
  4. SOCS Media Day 
  5. Education videos and brochures
  6. Dermatology Fellowship in Skin of Color
  7. Expert panel
  8. Meeting the Challenge Summit: Defining Race and Ethnicity in Dermatology
  9. Regional Networking and Educational Symposia
  10. Annual SOCS Scientific Symposium  associated with the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting

Support levels include:

Champion: $125,000+
Partner: $30,000
Friend: $15,000

Skin of Color Society is dedicated to promoting awareness of and excellence within the area of special interest of dermatology, skin of color. Individuals with skin of color include but are not limited to African Americans, Asians, Hispanics or Latinos, Native Indians and Pacific Islanders. The Society of committed to a wide range of educational and investigational pursuits designed to impact individuals with skin of color and to ensure the success of dermatologist in serving these individuals.

We thank our partners for their generous support and your interest in fulfilling the goals of the Skin of Color Society!