Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of the Skin of Color Society’s Scientific Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the 16th Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium being held virtually in lieu of our inperson Symposium. We have curated a virtual experience that we hope will educate SOCS members from the safety and comfort of their home or office.
Through this virtual symposium, poster and oral presenters will have an opportunity to walk viewers through their presentation via audio and video presentations. Oral presentations will be accessible on our virtual program as prerecorded videos and a simplified PowerPoint presentation. As we near the launch of the virtual program, the link to presentations will be available here.
Once in-person meetings can take place again, we will hold a networking reception to honor our 2020 outgoing board members, research grant winners, and observership grant recipients. Our plan is to host this reception during one of the larger dermatological meetings held later in the year.
We look forward to virtually engaging with you and when the current crisis has abated, networking and socializing in-person.
Lynn McKinley-Grant, MD, MA, SOCS President
Amy McMichael, MD, Scientific Committee Co-Chair
Andrew F. Alexis, MD, Scientific Committee Co-Chair
Virtual Poster Notifications have been emailed. If you have previously accepted your abstract for a poster or oral presentation, and you have not received an email notification please email
16th Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium Cancelled
2020 AAD Annual Meeting Cancelled
Our Sponsors
We gratefully acknowledge the following sponsors who made the 16th Annual Skin of Color
Scientific Symposium Virtual Program possible.
Past Symposium Information:
2019- 15th Annual Symposium Page
2019 – 15th Annual Symposium Final Program
2018- 14th Annual Symposium Page
2018 – 14th Annual Symposium Agenda
2017 – 13th Annual Symposium Agenda
2016 – 12th Annual Symposium Agenda
2015 – 11th Annual Symposium Agenda
2014 – 10th Annual Symposium Agenda
Cutis Journal
Read published peer-reviewed articles written your by Skin of Color Society members
Did You Know
Skin of color patients comprise the majority in California, New Mexico and Texas…and soon will be the majority in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, New York and Florida.
By 2042, more than 50% of the US population will have skin of color.