Call for Abstracts

Accepting abstracts August 1 through October 2, 2023

Call for abstract submissions for the 20th Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium will open August 1st. The Symposium is taking place on March 7, 2024 in San Diego, CA in conjunction with the 2024 AAD Annual Meeting.

Please review the submission guidelines below before submitting your abstract via AwardForce. Note that submitting your abstract does not register you to attend the Symposium. If your abstract is selected for an oral or poster presentation, you will be required to register for the Symposium.



General Information

  • Presenting Author must be a SOCS member and will be able to present the abstract at the Symposium.
  • This program is reserved to Skin of Color Society members and pending members with a complete membership application. Apply for membership here!
    • If you are a non-member, a complete membership application must be submitted by October 2 (12:00 PM CT) to meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Abstracts should be submitted by the presenting author only.
  • Abstracts must be submitted by Monday, October 2 (12:00 PM CT).
  • Acceptance and rejection notices will be sent to the submitter in December 2023.
  • All accepted presenters must be registered for the 20th Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium for their name to be published in the program.

Presenting Author Responsibilities 
The first author listed for each abstract will serve as the presenting author and the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract.

  • Responsibilities:
    • Ensure that all authors have read the abstract and have agreed to be co-authors.
    • Obtain all the disclosure information from co-authors.
    • Forward all correspondence to all co-authors.
    • If selected, register for the Scientific Symposium. 

Submission Guidelines

  • The Skin of Color Society encourages submission of original studies or observations that would be of interest to dermatologists with an interest in skin of color.
    • Abstract Presentations: Open to Medical Students, Research Fellows, and Residents member categories only.
    • Poster Presentations: Open to all member categories, including Fellows and Associate members.
  • The abstract must address scientific or clinical questions, detail clinical observations, or contain primary scientific data.
  • Abstracts that do not report any data or have incomplete data will not be considered.
  • Case studies or reports will not be accepted.
  • Data not generally eligible for consideration:
    • Data published, either in print or online, by the abstract submission deadline.
    • Data being submitted or presented at a session of the AAD Annual Meeting in the same calendar year.
  • For clinical trials:
    • Interim analysis of a prospective clinical trial will be considered only if it is performed as planned in the original protocol and is statistically valid.
    • Data from follow-up of previously presented clinical trials may be submitted only if significant new information can be shown.
  • All research and studies that involve human and animal subjects reported in submitted abstracts must comply with the guiding principles found in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association.
  • No revisions can be made to the abstract after the submission deadline.
  • All submissions must include:
    • A clear, concise and structured abstract of no more than 250 words in English that satisfies all of the below requirements for scholarly rigor, including the sections Introduction/Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitation, and Conclusions.
  • A title (formatted in Sentence case, not Title Case or UPPERCASE).
    • A list of all authors using their full names.
    • Institution affiliations for each author.
    • Presenting Author must be a SOCS member and will be able to present the abstract at the Symposium.
    • Up to five references or citations, consistently formatted according to any major academic citation style.
    • Disclosure of any conflicts of interest for primary author and co-authors.
  • The composition of the abstract and the scientific focus of the research must:
    • Clearly articulate a skin of color dermatologic problem giving rise to a research question that drives the work.
    • Include relevant background information, and engage with existing literature.
    • Employ and clearly identify research and/or theoretical methods appropriate for the problem and questions raised, including information about sample, recruitment, and analytic strategy (for empirical work).
    • If empirical, clearly present results (or, where not yet available, hypothesized or anticipated outcomes) and engage with ethical implications.
    • Identify the importance to dermatology of any conclusions drawn or arguments advanced.

Abstract Withdrawal

  • Once accepted, a written request for withdrawal must be submitted by the author by January 4.
  • SOCS reserves the right to withdraw any abstract that is in violation of SOCS policies and guidelines, including but not limited to:
    • Previous publication
    • Deemed scientifically unsound
    • Found to include inaccurate data

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Did You Know

Skin of color patients comprise the majority in California, New Mexico and Texas…and soon will be the majority in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, New York and Florida.

By 2042, more than 50% of the US population will have skin of color.