SOCS Member Recruitment Rally

Are you passionate about advancing diversity in dermatology and want to make a significant impact? As SOCS approaches its 20th anniversary, resources have expanded within the Society to allow us to serve and reach more potential members around the globe who are interested in skin of color dermatology. SOCS leadership is calling on you to participate in our competition to recruit your fellow dermatology colleagues to become members of SOCS. There will be prizes for top recruiting SOCS members.

Here’s your opportunity to lead the way by participating in the SOCS Member Recruitment Rally! From now until December 1, 2023, refer your dermatology colleagues to join SOCS and have a chance to win the competition! The SOCS member who successfully recruits the most new members will win a year of free dues. Second and third place will win special SOCS branded merchandise showcasing our new logo. Not only will you be contributing to our mission, but you will help us expand the global reach and impact of skin of color dermatology.

Call to Action:

Please refer as many dermatology colleagues as you wish, whom you think would benefit from SOCS membership. You can text or email the graphic below to each colleague for ease of the referral. The QR code on the graphic links directly to the application page. There will be a field on the membership application requesting referring members name, they should write your name in that field so we can track the results.

Also, there is a fillable form at the bottom of this webpage where you can fill in potential members information to whom the SOCS membership team will reach out to directly.

We look forward to welcoming your colleagues into the SOCS community as we work together to pave the way for more growth and inclusion in the field of dermatology. Good luck to all the participants. Together we can change the face of dermatology! Text or email the graphic below to your dermatology friends and colleagues to refer them to join SOCS!

Rally with SOCS and Refer Your Dermatology Colleagues Today!

Who should SOCS reach out to about our membership offerings and benefits?

Your First and Last Name (Current Member)
Colleague’s First and Last Name (Future Member)
Colleague’s Email
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Did You Know

Skin of color patients comprise the majority in California, New Mexico and Texas…and soon will be the majority in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, New York and Florida.

By 2042, more than 50% of the US population will have skin of color.