
Membership Levels

Fellow Member Applicant ($125)

Any physician who is a resident of the United States, Canada or Mexico and who is Board certified or eligible by (i) the American Board of Dermatology or (ii) the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, shall be eligible to be a Fellow, as well as any physician who resides in any country other than the United States, Canada, or Mexico who has had training that is approximately equivalent to the requirements for certification by the American Board of Dermatology. The physician may be in teaching or research or a dermatologist in clinical practice.

A Fellow shall have full membership rights as recognized under customary parliamentary practice, including, but not limited to, the right to attend Society meetings, to participate in discussion, to vote, to be a candidate for elective office and to accept appointment to committees and councils. Fellows shall be obligated to pay all dues and assessments imposed on Fellows by the Board of Directors and shall be obligated to observe the Society’s Bylaws and such administrative regulations as shall be approved by the Board of Directors from time to time (“Administrative Regulations”).

Associate Member Applicant ($125)

Any non-physician with an advanced degree (PhD, MS, MPH, PA, RPN, etc.) or physician who does not qualify to be a Fellow who works in a scientific discipline or related profession (engineering, biology, chemistry, etc.) with involvement in skin of color and who is employed by a medical school, governmental or public organization, pharmaceutical or technology company, cosmetic firm, or by a dermatologist, shall be eligible for associate membership. Proof of such employment is required in the form of a letter from the organization, company, firm or dermatologist.

Associate Members shall have membership rights including the rights to attend Society meetings, to participate in discussions, to vote, and to accept appointment to committees and councils. Associate Members shall not be eligible as candidates for elective office. Associate Members shall be obligated to pay all dues and assessments imposed on Associate Members by the Board of Directors and shall be obligated to observe the Society’s Bylaws and Administrative Regulations.

Associate Member Applicant – No Advanced Degree ($125)

Non-physicians who are not qualified as above may apply for associate membership in the Society, provided their application is supported with letters of endorsement from two Society Fellows in good standing.

Associate Members shall have membership rights including the rights to attend Society meetings, to participate in discussions, to vote, and to accept appointment to committees and councils. Associate Members shall not be eligible as candidates for elective office. Associate Members shall be obligated to pay all dues and assessments imposed on Associate Members by the Board of Directors and shall be obligated to observe the Society’s Bylaws and Administrative Regulations.

Resident Member Applicant ($50)

Any dermatology resident  in good standing in training at any approved training center shall be eligible to become a Resident Member of this Society. Resident Members shall have all of the rights of Fellows except that they shall not be eligible to serve in any elective office except as otherwise designated by the Board of Directors.

Research Fellow Applicant ($50)

Any dermatology  research fellow or PhD candidate in good standing in training at any approved training center shall be eligible to become a Research Fellow Member of this Society. Research Fellow Members shall have all of the rights of Fellows except that they shall not be eligible to serve in any elective office except as otherwise designated by the Board of Directors.

Student Member Applicant ($25)

Any medical or graduate student in good standing in training at any approved institution of higher learning in the United States, Mexico or Canada shall be eligible to become a Student Member of this Society. Student Members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership except that they shall not be eligible to serve in any elective office except as otherwise designated by the Board of Directors.

Student Members shall be obligated to observe the Society’s Bylaws and Administrative Regulations.

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Did You Know

Skin of color patients comprise the majority in California, New Mexico and Texas…and soon will be the majority in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, New York and Florida.

By 2042, more than 50% of the US population will have skin of color.