Skin of Color Society Committee/Chair Highlight: Research Committee

June 30, 2020
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Skin of Color Society Committee/Chair Highlight: Research Committee-banner-image
To help fulfill the overarching mission of the Skin of Color Society (SOCS), which focuses on promoting excellence in, and awareness of, the special interest area of skin of color dermatology, SOCS members serve on twelve different standing committees to carry out various aspects of the organization’s work. For our first SOCS Committee Highlight, we’ll…

A Time for Resolve, Change, Unity and Hope: A United Message from SOCS Leadership and the Dermatology Section of the NMA

June 19, 2020
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A Time for Resolve, Change, Unity and Hope: A United Message  from SOCS Leadership and the Dermatology Section of the NMA-banner-image
We are honored to have been recently invited to contribute an editorial to the June 2020 issue of The Dermatologist Magazine. This opinion piece gave us an especially important opportunity to share a united message calling for resolve, change, unity and hope, representing the Skin of Color Society (SOCS) and the Dermatology Section of the…

An Important Message of Solidarity from the SOCS Executive Committee in our Turbulent Times

June 1, 2020
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An Important Message of Solidarity from the SOCS Executive Committee in our Turbulent Times-banner-image