Enhanced Patient Education Resources on the SOCS Website
April 29, 2021Share This:

We are pleased to offer a wide variety of patient educational resources on the Skin of Color Society (SOCS) website, now available in English and Spanish translations! Thanks to expert contributions from many SOCS members, the Patient Dermatology Education section of the site features informative articles to help patients of color better understand the following dermatologic…
Mentor Spotlight: Dr. Susan C. Taylor, Skin of Color Society Founder
April 13, 2021Share This:

Susan C. Taylor, MD, FAAD, Founder of the Skin of Color Society (SOCS), is widely recognized as a trailblazer and inspirational role model in the field of skin of color dermatology. She has greatly influenced many physicians-in-training and young dermatologists, and has significantly impacted the careers and lives of many individuals throughout their journeys in…