

Diversity in Medicine

January 20, 2016
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As the population of the United States becomes increasingly diverse in gender, race, ethnicity, social-economic status, disability and sexual orientation, there comes a greater need for dermatology diversity to address this transformation and determine solutions that will best serve more dynamic patient and practitioner needs.

Over the years, the Women’s Dermatologic Society has helped improve gender disparity in dermatology—moving our specialty toward a workforce that reflects the patients it serves. Unfortunately, we have not followed the same path with other diversification. In fact, we are falling behind.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2012 projections, no single racial/ethnic group will make up a majority of Americans. By 2060, Hispanic will make up 31% of the population and 15% of Americans will be (African American or black) with 8.2% Asian. With these predictions of racial change, the dermatology industry must determine a call to action. READ THE FULL ABSTRACT.