

Embracing the Season of Giving

November 12, 2023
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Many of you have asked questions about the scope of the My Best Winter Skin (MBWS) campaign so we wanted to share some key metrics for this first year.

Within a short period of time, all of the bags with product samples donated by our generous sponsors, La Roche-Posay and CeraVe, have been claimed by SOCS members. In fact, most of our members who have opted in have already received their sample bags and many have begun to distribute them in their communities.

MBWS By the numbers:

•  5,000: Number of sample bags claimed for volunteer distribution

•  3,358: Total page views for the My Best Winter Skin Day holiday page

•  100: Average number of bags requested by MBWS volunteers

•  36: Number of unique individuals who opted-in to receive MBWS sample bags

•  18: Number of states where outreach events have happened or are planned

We extend a hearty thank you to all who opted in and all who have volunteered and educated people in your communities about best winter skin practices and raised awareness about SOCS. As you hand out the sample bags, please remember to take lots of photos and videos, post to all your social media channels and tag SOCS and this campaign.

Now that the Volunteer and Educate portion of My Best Winter Skin (MBWS) is well underway, we are pivoting to the Giving portion of the MBWS campaign. 

Why Give?

Member giving will help us change the face of dermatology. With your ongoing support, we can fund research studies for skin of color dermatology, provide mentorship grants to medical students and junior dermatologists who are passionate about skin of color, raise awareness of differing disease presentations in skin of color, and engage collaborative partners in advocacy for skin of color patients.  

A key strategy to increasing Foundation resources and the long-term sustainability of MBWS is expanded corporate giving. Another key component of our ability to grow and offer meaningful opportunities for the next generation of dermatologic skin of color experts remains increased member and individual giving. It is because of these two strategies working together, that we were able to increase Observership Awards from four in 2020 to 17 in 2022. Will you consider helping by making a gift today?

Text THX2U to 44-321 to give on your mobile device today