

Encouraging Thankfulness & Appreciation in the Skin of Color Community

October 26, 2022
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PROJECT GRATITUDE:<br>Encouraging Thankfulness & Appreciation in the Skin of Color Community-banner-image

We are in the midst of Project Gratitude, the Skin of Color Society Foundation’s (SOCSF’s) 2022 fundraising campaign, and our way of encouraging thankfulness and appreciation in the skin of color community.

We are very grateful to nearly 200 donors who have made tax-deductible contributions so far, helping us get closer to our goal of raising $150,000 to support the work of the Skin of Color Society. As of this writing, we are 40% of the way to reaching our target… and need YOUR help to get all the way there.

When you give to Project Gratitude, you may dedicate your gift to someone you admire or a mentor who has helped you along the way. This is a meaningful way to say thank you while helping us fulfill our core mission of advancing skin of color dermatology to achieve health equity and excellence in patient care.

Your gift to Project Gratitude helps:
Fund research studies that will expand the state of knowledge for skin of color dermatology
Provide mentorship to medical students and junior dermatologists who are passionate about
skin of color
Raise awareness of differing disease presentations in skin of color through various
educational platforms
Engage collaborative partners in advocacy for skin of color patients

You may give a one-time gift or opt to give an amount on a monthly basis through the secure GiveLively online platform.

You may also text THX2U to 44-321 to donate through your mobile device.

We appreciate your support!