


April 16, 2020
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Our members make all the difference in the world!
Thank you to SOCS Board of Directors who have just completed their terms, from top l- r: Drs. Chere Lucas Anthony, Nada Elbuluk and Ginette A. Okoye. Welcome new SOCS board members (bottom l-r) Drs. Crystal Aguh, Candrice Heath and Neelam Ajit Vashi!

SOCS Board of Directors News—Outgoing and Incoming Directors
We would like to thank the following individuals who have completed their terms serving on the SOCS Board of Directors: Chere Lucas Anthony, MD, FAAD, Nada Elbuluk, MD, MSc, FAAD, and Ginette A. Okoye, MD, FAAD.  We appreciate your dedication and service to the Society!

We welcome incoming Board of Directors: Crystal Aguh, MD, FAAD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; Candrice Rachelle Heath, MD, FAAD, Temple University, and Neelam Ajit Vashi, MD, FAAD, Boston University Department of Dermatology.

SOCS Membership Hits New Heights!
We are so delighted to see that membership in the Skin of Color Society is continuing to grow and expand around the world. With the recent approval of 143 new members, SOCS membership has hit an all-time high of 733 members, representing 33 different countries (635 of whom are from the US). This year’s large class of new members includes: 14 Associates, 13 Fellows, 10 Research Fellows, 38 Residents and 68 Students. We welcome so many new members to the Society, and look forward to everyone’s participation in future activities and committee work.

Health Volunteers Overseas Golden Apple Award
We congratulate Roland Beverly, MD, who was honored recently as one of five recipients of the 15th Annual Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) Golden Apple Award. This award recognizes contributions to improve global health through the education, training, and professional development of the health workforce in resource-scarce countries. SOCS is proud to be a collaborative partner with HVO. Congratulations, Dr. Beverly!

Are you passionate about volunteerism? Please consider joining the SOCS Volunteerism Committee. This committee oversees the Society’s volunteer program(s). The committee makes recommendations to the Board on ways to engage members in medical and non-medical volunteerism activities at the local, national and international levels. The committee is forming now—to volunteer go to:

Seeking Member Profiles for Social Media!
Whether you’re brand new to SOCS or a longtime member, we’d love to feature

you in a social media profile so that members from around the world can become acquainted and better connected!  If you’re interested, please provide a photo (clinical or outside of clinic, whichever you prefer), as well as short answers to the following questions:

  1. Your name (as well as social media handles if you have any) and practice location
  2. Why you chose dermatology
  3. Something fun or little-known about you

This material will be incorporated into future social media content on the SOCS platforms. If you’re active on social media, we’ll tag you so that you can share with your audiences, too. We’ve created a OneDrive folder where you can upload your responses and photos, by using this link: Thank you for joining in the conversation, and helping us connect members through social media!