

Facing the Future: 2020 Vision… and Beyond

December 30, 2019
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Facing the Future: 2020 Vision… and Beyond-banner-image

As we usher in a new year and a new decade, we look ahead to 2020 with great anticipation of many exciting plans on the horizon for the Skin of Color Society, at a time of record growth and expansion globally, with membership now representing 31 countries!

We’re entering our 16th year of existence as an international society dedicated to promoting awareness and excellence in skin of color dermatology. Our core programs continue to develop and thrive, including: research grants, mentorship and observership opportunities, participation and collaboration in the global scientific community, networking & educational symposia, outreach initiatives for medical students, media and the profession, and more. We invite you to connect with us on social media to keep abreast of developments that are in the SOCS pipeline, and get more involved with us in the new year!

To kick off the first quarter of 2020, we are looking forward to presenting:

  •  Our 4th Annual Skin of Color Society Media Day, “Facing the Future,” which will take place on Tuesday, February 11, graciously hosted in the dermatology offices of Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali. The program will address what’s new and what’s next in skin of color dermatology with an eye on the latest treatments, trends and emerging tech, featuring a team of SOCS leaders. Read more about the program here.
  • Our 16th Annual Scientific Symposium, on Thursday, March 19, featuring leading international colleagues, residents, and research fellows who will share new research, insights and experiences pertaining to skin of color dermatology. Register for the Symposium when paying your 2020 membership dues.
  • Some new opportunities will be announced in early 2020, so watch the website and our social media channels for more details!

For those of you who have not yet renewed your SOCS membership, now’s the time to renew for 2020, so that you can continue to enjoy all the benefits and rewards of our dynamic organization!

Not yet a SOCS member? Now is the time to apply for application review and acceptance prior to the Symposium. To apply for membership, go to: Registration for the Symposium is included in your registration fee.

We look forward to your participation in the new year ahead.
Here’s to a wonderful 2020!