

Key Values of Belonging to the Skin of Color Society From the Start

November 29, 2022
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Key Values of Belonging to the Skin of Color Society From the Start-banner-image

Did you know? Dermatology practice managers and medical directors greatly value involvement
in professional societies in evaluating job candidates!
It is well-documented that early involvement in professional societies encourages competence,
confidence, and access to professional growth and lifelong learning opportunities. Beyond these
clear benefits, involvement in a professional society like the Skin of Color Society is an
important factor that hiring practice managers and medical directors look for and greatly value in
job candidates. In fact, it can be one of the top things dermatology decision-makers use to help
identify outstanding candidates who are taking their career development seriously.
In the words of SOCS President, Valerie Harvey, MD, MPH, FAAD, “In
the special interest area of skin of color dermatology in particular,
joining the Skin of Color Society not only gives medical
students and dermatology residents a wide array of unique
opportunities in mentorship, networking, research, media, and
advocacy, it says a lot about the individual and their commitment to
professional and personal development!”