

Mission-driven to Achieve Health Equity and Excellence in Patient Care

February 28, 2023
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Did you know? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2044, people with skin of color* will represent more than half of the US population, yet currently, only 3% of dermatologists are Black and 4% are Latinx/Hispanic.

The Skin of Color Society has been working diligently since it was founded in 2004 by Susan C. Taylor, MD, FAAD to bring more physicians of color to the specialty of dermatology and provide valuable education, research, mentorship, and advocacy opportunities to underrepresented physicians at various stages of their careers.  We proudly offer many signature SOCS programs which were developed to promote excellence in skin of color dermatology, advance the specialty, and ultimately, achieve health equity and excellence in patient care for all.

While the work has been going on for nearly twenty years through the Society, in 2021 we underwent a comprehensive strategic planning process in which numerous SOCS leaders participated, coming at a time of unprecedented growth and expansion for SOCS. Through this process, the following core values were articulated:

Skin of Color Society Core Values

EQUITY: We ensure inclusivity and diversity to achieve health equities in patient care.

EXCELLENCE: We leverage our recognition and authority within dermatology, the house of medicine and the public as experts in skin of color dermatology.

MENTORSHIP: We value mentorship as a leadership development tool to foster a diverse workforce at all levels, developing and empowering future leaders in the field.

RESEARCH and INNOVATION: We lead research and innovation through our diverse array of advanced research activities, leveraging collaborations with domestic and international corporations and organizations.

EDUCATION: We educate the public, partners and colleagues in support of our mission and noble purpose.

It is through these efforts that individuals with skin of color will be best served by those within the field of dermatology.

Read about our Envisioned Future which came out of our strategic plan here.

If you’re new to SOCS, we encourage you to explore our website to learn more about our core programs and exciting new initiatives. If you’ve been a member for a while, we invite you to refresh yourselves on all that’s going in SOCS. Let us know if you have suggestions, questions or wish to become more involved!  Drop us a line at:

*Note: SOCS defines individuals with skin of color as persons of Asian, Hispanic/Latino, African, Native American, Pacific Island descent, and mixtures thereof.