Skin of Color Society “Find a Doctor” Access Agreement

The “Find a Doctor” database (“Doctor Database”) is published by the Skin of Color Society (“SOCS”) for educational purposes only. It is intended to provide the public with easy access to information on physicians who treat patients with skin of color and who are SOCS members. SOCS requires that any user wishing to access the Doctor Database agree to the following terms and conditions of this Access Agreement. Specifically, users acknowledge and agree that:

  1. The content of the Doctor Database is the property of SOCS, or used by SOCS with permission, and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws, whether or not a notice of copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights appears on the screen displaying the information. Individuals may save, use, download, and retransmit information from the Doctor Database only for personal, non-commercial purposes. Users shall not download, reproduce, retransmit, distribute, by sale or otherwise, edit, or otherwise use the Doctor Database for any other purpose without the expressed prior written permission of SOCS.
  2. The names, addresses and other data in the Doctor Database has been compiled from information provided by individual physicians to SOCS and are included only to assist interested individuals in locating SOCS members who provide services in the defined city, state or other jurisdiction. Although SOCS regularly updates the Doctor Database, it expressly disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of any information presented or described and makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation that such information is valid, sufficient, or complete. Unless specifically stated otherwise, SOCS does not endorse, approve, recommend, or certify any individual, service, or organization included in the Doctor Database, and such information should not be referenced in any way to imply such approval or endorsement.
  3. Neither the Doctor Database, nor the page of the SOCS website on which they are contained, may be accessed to conduct any other activities that may be illegal. For example, they shall not be used to encourage software infringement, spreading of computer viruses, breaking into private computer forums, gambling, or other crimes.
  4. Users shall respect the security of the Doctor Database and not attempt to gain access to areas private to SOCS or other users.
  5. SOCS reserves the right to modify or change the terms of this Access Agreement as it determines from time to time in the best interests of the Society, provided users are notified prior to any such change.

If you have any questions about this Access Agreement, please let us know. You may send an e-mail to the Society at

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Did You Know

Skin of color patients comprise the majority in California, New Mexico and Texas…and soon will be the majority in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, New York and Florida.

By 2042, more than 50% of the US population will have skin of color.